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Welcome to the REST API section of the MakeCommerce Developer Portal. Here you could try all our API endpoints very easily - just enter authentication details and send requests straight from this page.

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Use Guides section to learn about different use cases.


API requests are made via HTTPS. Each request must be authenticated with HTTP Basic Authentication using:

  • Shop ID as username
  • Secret key as password

Shop ID and Secret key could be found under the API settings section on the Merchant Portal. Always keep your Secret key secure and do not share in publicly accessible places like GitHub or client-side code. If your Secret key is leaked, immediately generate a new one in the Merchant Portal.

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
400Bad request, invalid body/parameters or business logic errors.
401Unauthorized - check authentication.
404Resource does not exist or is not available for this shop.
409Resource conflict.
415Request content type is not application/json.
500Server error.

Codes in the 2xx range indicate success.

Request Limits

We have IP-based default limits for the maximum number of requests:

Time RangeMax Amount of Requests in LIVE EnvironmentMax Amount of Requests in TEST Environment
1 second15 requests15 requests
10 seconds100 requests75 requests
1 minute200 requests150 requests
5 minutes1000 requests500 requests