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Iframe js for Card Payments

This guide explains how to use iframe js to collect card payments data on your eshop environment. This is a more advanced type of integration and not mandatory for card payments. If redirect approach for card payments is suitable, follow Regular Payment Flow guide instead.

Collecting card payment data on your eshop environment via our iframe js would look like this:

Iframe Js

General information about iframe js usage


Important: checkout.min.js could be used only from approved HTTPS domains. In TEST environment you could add as many domains as you want in Merchant self-service portal (Settings -> General settings -> Shop domain). In LIVE environment domains are added by our support team.

If you use Content Security Policy to control from where content could be loaded, for TEST environment you should add:

img-src 'self';
script-src 'self';
frame-src 'self';

For LIVE environment you should add:

img-src 'self';
script-src 'self';
frame-src 'self';

Transaction flow using iframe js

Step 1: Create Transaction

Use POST Create Transaction endpoint to create transaction.

Step 2: Load checkout.min.js in your environment

Load checkout.min.js in your environment and pass at least mandatory options which are documented at All chekout.min.js options. You will need to pass transaction id from step 1.

There are two approaches how to load checkout.min.js:

  1. Place a form on your checkout page that checkout.min.js will use to post the data to your backend. Code example for this approach:
<form id="checkoutForm" action="return.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="transaction" id="transaction" value="f4b5b781-724c-4962-ac14-5d5437d72c21" />
<script src=""
data-client-name="Name Surname"
  1. Invoke checkout.min.js with a callback function to process the data returned. Code example for this approach:
<script src=""></script>

window.cc_callback = function(data)
alert( 'The CC dialog returned: \r\n \r\n'+ JSON.stringify(data) );

{ 'key' : 'sLDwspx3XZzzptDM8YX2aBdyDsfN7XvqzYNReaK20argtVSsJFkK7o8BHdfF1AWq',
'transaction' : 'f4b5b781-724c-4962-ac14-5d5437d72c21',
'email' : '',
'clientName' : 'Name Surname',
'locale' : 'en',
'completed' : 'cc_callback',
'cancelled' : 'cc_callback' }

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" aria-label="Open CC Payment dialog" onclick=";">Open CC Payment dialog</button>

After using any of mentioned approaches, customer will be able to enter card data in our iframe dialog and submit it for processing.

Step 3: Handle transaction status

Firstly, check how transaction status should be handled in Regular Payment Flow. When using iframe js, you will receive same asynchronous payment_return message to your notifications_url. But your return_url should be ready to handle token_return message, which structure is a bit different.

Structure of token_return message

Field nameSub-field nameSub-sub-field nameExample valueDescription
jsonmessage_time2024-11-28T13:35:04+0000Message time.
message_typetoken_returnMessage type. Your system should execute the logic described in this chapter if the type of message is token_return.
tokenid4a197b8f-0b20-4108-a795-22497f3420f5Each card payment is tokenized. If this field is present, the token ID is returned. Token ID could be needed only for Recurring Card Payments.
multiusefalseIf true, then possible to use token for Recurring Card Payments.
valid_until2028-06-30Date until token is valid and can be used for Recurring Card Payments.
transactionchannelVisa/MasterCardChannel name.
countrynullCard country if received. Could be null.
id4f3c2310-c4b6-441b-8551-68874ee16920Transaction ID.
methodvisa_mastercard_placeholderMethod name.
reference123-abcValue which was passed in reference field when creating transaction.
statusCOMPLETEDStatus of the transaction. Check all possible statuses here.
typecardType name.
Field which allows your system to validate the message authenticity/integrity. Check how validation should be done here.

Raw content example:


All checkout.min.js options

HTML property nameJS option nameMandatoryDescription
data-keykeyYesShop API Publishable key available in Merchant Portal.
data-transactiontransactionYesTransaction ID created with Create Transaction endpoint.
data-emailemailNoCustomer email which will be preffiled in iframe.
data-client-nameclientNameNoCustomer name which will be preffiled in iframe.
data-localelocaleNoCustomer language. Available languages:
en – English (default)
et – Estonian
fr – French
lv – Latvian
lt – Lithuanian
ru – Russian
es – Spanish
sv – Swedish
no – Norwegian
data-recurring-titlerecurringTitleNoTitle of the subscription/recurring payment the customer is subscribing to.
data-recurring-descriptionrecurringDescriptionNoDescription of the subscription/recurring payment the customer is subscribing to. Include here information about recurring payment amount, interval, etc.
data-recurring-confirmationrecurringConfirmationNoConfirmation text shown next to the approval checkbox for the customer to accept subscription/recurring payment.
data-recurring-checkedrecurringCheckedNoOption to make the subscription/recurring payment approval checkbox checked by default. Legally correct approach would be for the customer to check it themselves.
data-recurring-requiredrecurringRequiredNoIf Transaction was created with "recurring_required": false this parameter could overwrite it to true to get multi-use token.
data-selectorselectorNoHooks quick implementation to the given selector. Note: it is document.querySelector not jQuery.
data-completedcompletedNoName of the JavaScript function to be invoked on success. Will be called with the data argument.

It is used only for cases when after submitting card data additional 3DS redirect to the bank issuer is not needed.

Currently such flow without additional 3DS redirect is supported only with Apple Pay and only if such flow is specifically enabled for the shop.

Meaning this JavaScript function is never invoked, unless it is specifically enabled.
data-cancelledcancelledNoName of the JavaScript function to be invoked on user cancel action (modal close). No arguments passed.
noConflictNoTells checkout.min.js to run in noConflic mode. This will return a new instance, allowing you to run multiple instances on the same page.
persistentModalNoWhen set to true, iframe will not be destroyed on close.
openOnLoadNoOpens modal right away (on script load).
data-backdrop-closebackdropCloseNoAdd data-backdrop-close=”false” if you want the CC dialog be truly modal. Defaults to true.
data-preselectpreselectNoIf in addition to card payments shop has Apple Pay and/or Google Pay, then with this parameter it is possible to pass a preselection. Possible options:

CC - to preselect card payments
AP - to preselect Apple Pay
GP - to preselect Google Pay