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How to initiate a refund?

Use POST Create Refund endpoint to initiate partial or full refund for specific transaction.

The requirements for refund initiation are:

  • Transactions status should be either COMPLETED or PART_REFUNDED.
  • The total amount of refund/refunds should not exceed amount of transaction.
  • Your shop should have sufficient balance from incoming transactions as refund amount is deducted from there. If balance is not sufficient you should either wait for more incoming transactions or top up your balance via self-service Merchant Portal.
  • For PIS and banklink payments - First money reaches our account which usually happens in 10 minutes after COMPLETED status. However, some banks still do not use SEPA INSTANT payments and in such cases it could take longer.

After initiating refund you should always validate refund status.

Refund statuses

Refund statusDescription
CREATEDRefund was successfully created in our system. If after this status refund later fails, we will contact the merchant.
SENTRefund order was sent to the bank for execution. If after this status refund later fails, we are contacting merchant and informing about that.
SETTLEDRefund was fully completed. It is the final successful status for a refund lifecycle.
FAILEDThe most common reason is customer bank or card account is closed and therefore it is not possible to initiate the refund. In such case need to contact customer and agree on how to make the refund.

Refund status will be returned in a response of POST Create Refund request, but you could always use GET Refund endpoint to receive status of specific refund or GET Refund List endpoint to receive list of refunds by date range or status.

Also, after refund is initiated, transaction status will change to PART_REFUNDED or REFUNDED and your system will be informed about that as explained in Regular Payment Flow guide in Step 3: Transaction Status Handling.